Living Fit Women's Book Study
Thu, Jan 17th 6:30pm - 8pm
The Grey House 16 Coral Dr. Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480

A community of women biblically pursuing a healthy tomorrow...spiritually, physically, relationally, financially, and emotionally. Join us for an awesome and fun once a month study for teens, young women, and women with families! Living Fit by Ronnie Floyd Led by Caylee Johnson 16 Coral Drive Wrightsville Beach, 28480 Cost: $20 (includes book) 3rd Thursday of every month (Dec. Exception) Sept. 20, Oct. 18, Nov. 15, Dec. 13, Jan. 17 6:30pm-8:00pm Please register in advance. Money can be brought to the first meeting. Childcare is provided, but must be specified on the sign up.