Local missions

Wrightsville Beach Baptist Church is here to reach our community for Christ!  We can't wait to impact the Wrightsville Beach and Wilmington communities.  There are 2,477 residents of Wrightsville Beach, 113,000 in Wilmington, and 216,298 who call New Hanover County home.  We are here to point as many as we can to Christ as we make Him famous!  

Engage with us as we serve with First Fruit Ministries, Baptists on Mission Disaster Relief and local mission projects.  

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, ESV)

Mission Partnerships

WBBC Mission Partnerships seek to encourage and support the work of local missionaries as we partner in the work of worship, evangelism and discipleship. We pursue long-term relationships through which people come to Christ, leaders are developed and churches are multiplied.  


Ongoing Partnerships:

Uganda, Ghana, Moldova, Romania, Puerto Rico, Christian Liberty Church - Baltimore

Uganda - Dueteronomy 1:8 Partnerships

                One Thirst Project


We partner with Ugandan based ministries to make Christ known.


Deuteronomy 1:8 is a ministry of Wrightsville Beach Baptist Church which partners with Ugandans to make Christ known by giving a well for every village, a home for every child, education for the next generation, sustainable food solutions, and Biblical training for rural pastors.  

  1. A well for every village. Living water and water for living.
  2. A home for every child.  We partner with local ministries to see families reunited where possible, provide shelter for vulnerable children, and physical, spiritual and social support for vulnerable families.
  3. We support education for the next generation by partnering with strong local Christ-centered primary schools and through scholarships for secondary education and life skill training.      
  4. We pursue longterm investments which will lead to sustainable local food solutions.  Food support in the short term with longterm agriculture and animal husbandry training in the future.   
  5. We offer Biblical training for local pastors serving remote villages.  

"But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life."  John 4:14 NLT

“They will drink from wells of salvation.” Isaiah 12:3   

“. . .caring for orphans and widows in their distress.”  James 1:27

“Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?”  James 2:15-16 NIV

Seek wisdom at any cost.  Proverbs 4:6-7

“Look, I am giving all this land to you!  Go in and occupy it, for it is the land the Lord swore to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and to all their descendants.”  Deuteronomy 1:8

A Well for Every Village

Give a well               $2500


1. Butande Well, 8000 Liters Butande Children’s Relief Center


2.  Bulende Well, 8,000 Liters Bulende Children's Relief Center

3.  Bukhubalo Well and Church Plant

4.  Buyundi Well (Most remote village)

5.  Buduma A Well - village near Butande

6.  Buduma B Well - village near Butande


7.  Sauri Yako Well

8.  Buwuni Well God’s Mercy Clinic

9.  Buteme Well

10. Busetima Well

11. Muwayo Station Well 20,000 Liters

12. Livestock Well Butande

13. Namuntere Well                       


14. Buhobe Well

15. Nabahasi Well

16. Bugoma

A Home For Every Child

Sponsor a child       $50.00 per month

Butande, Children’s Relief Center

40+ Children 

Funding Daily Meal Provision

Dormitory and Bathhouse Completed

School Building Under Construction

5.5 Acres of fenced pasture for livestock

Bulende Children’s Relief Center

120 Children

Funding Daily Meal Provision

Girl’s Dormitory and Bathhouse Completed

Boy’s Dormitory and Bathhouse Under Construction.

School Facility for Preschool - 5th Grade

5 Acres of Farmland


Sponsor a High School Student   $210 per term

Primary Education

Supporting strong local Christ-centered primary schools.

Secondary Education

Sponsorships provided for High School through a partnership with 

As One Africa High School

Sustainable Food Solutions

Give a chicken                $  5

Give a goat                     $ 60

Give a crop to harvest    $500

Dream Farm - 100 acre +/- Working farm for training, food production, income stream and mission housing.


Sponsor a pastor            $250 per term

Bible School - Bugiri, Uganda

16 Module Comprehensive Discipleship Program offered through TUMI (The Urban Ministry Institute)

33 Students Registered for First Graduating Class.

Send Baltimore

We have partnered with church planting pastor Wayne Lee of Christian Liberty Church in West Baltimore Baltimore. We send multiple groups up each year to assist, aid, encourage, and help build up disciples. We will be taking a couple trips to Baltimore this summer! Contact the church office if interested!

Christian Liberty Church roundedfacebook


We serve in Disaster Relief as part of the Baptist Men and Women of NC.  This great ministry provides Food, Water, Showers and Laundry services in addition to Physical responses to natural disaster.  We cut downed trees, tarp roofs, mud-out flooded homes and even rebuild after the clean up is complete. We have served with most hurricane relief responses on the east coast. Come and serve with us! 

World Missions

The goal of WBBC Mission Partnerships is to encourage and support the work of local missionaries as we partner in the work of worship, evangelism and discipleship. Our desire is to pursue long-term relationships through which people come to Christ, leaders are developed and churches are multiplied.  

2024  Mission Opportunities

Uganda  February  2-13

Baltimore TBD

Puerto Rico April 1-6 NextGen Ministries

Uganda July 16-24 or August 19-27

Uganda January  2024

Parking Fundraiser for Missions

Memorial Day Weekend May 25, 26, 27

July 4 Weekend July 4, 6, 7

Labor Day Weekend, August 31, September 1, 2